Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Mom, It's not your fault.

I was born this way. (thank you Lady Gaga).

At least that’s what this recent article I found while looking at yahoo news:

It sucks to not like food, to pick out itty bitty onions out of my meals, and to eat a soggy jelly sandwich for sack lunch as a kid because I don’t like peanut butter.

Yet I can imagine it was the most frustrating for my mom (and still is) to remember what I like, what I don’t, and to try to make something (anything!) that her child would eat and still be healthy.

These past few weeks I have been more daring. I’ve tried salad 3 times (which means 1 bite each time), and I have had baby spinach on one sandwich and lettuce on another sandwich. I’m TRYING, people! 

Things to note:
Green leaves are watery and nearly tasteless. 
That’s why people jack them up with ranch dressing.
But I don’t like ranch.
So I must find some way to make salads interesting.
And I must just get my mouth accustomed to leafy texture.
And to the flavor of “green.”

I mean, green is one of my favorite colors! :)

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